Fancy a bit of idleness? Then Karl-Liebknecht-Straße, aka ‘Karli’, is the place for you! You can imagine the ‘Karli’ to be a bit like a large (student) living room: there’s always a light on somewhere, everything from books, music and cool clothes to flowers and much more. Here you can laze around on the windowsill or let your feet dangle in the outdoor seating area, see and be seen, lick and nibble, drink and mug, and if you get the urge, you can even end up, as the people of Leipzig would say, ‘abzappeln’ (dancing). Don’t worry, the ‘Karli’ doesn’t come with the usual big fashion and catering chains, but is a real treasure trove for individualists in every respect. Colourfully packaged and with great attention to detail, Leipzig’s southern promenade tempts you to linger. For example, you could simply start with a brunch in the ‘Südbrause’, then browse through the various shops, take a break in one of the sweet cafés or savour one of the promising cuisines. You can then ring in the evening with a unique atmosphere, tasty snacks and a colourful cocktail in your hand at our favourite, the ‘Luft und Liebe’ aroma bar! To be continued…